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As she stood up, the doorbell rang. I told her stay where she was. Alison looked a little troubled but did as she was told as I walked to the door and opened with my cock pointing straight out. Some of my friends had come over. Tom, Jim, Lee and Tracey walked in. Tracey said, "I see you started without me this time. Did you fill her up?"Yes," I replied. "So, she's juicy for you." Oh, goody," she exclaimed. Looking at Alison, she said, "Get up and bend over." Alison looked at me and I nodded. Alison got in position over the arm of the love seat and Tracey knelt down behind her and started licking her cunt and asshole cleaning my cum from her ass including a bit that had leaked down one of her legs.As Tracey was teaching Alison to enjoy getting sucked, Tom, Jim, and Lee were quickly stripping down to skin. Alison had a funny look on her face. She was enjoying Tracey's lips and tongue working her holes but didn't understand what was happening. However, when Lee put his cock to her face,. So now you are homeless and unemployed and unemployable." But it doesn't end there, does it bitch? What happens when daddy runs for re-election? That movie starts going around again and questions about your old man's sex offender daughter come out. You know what a lot of people are going to wonder? They are going to wonder if daddy was a child molester. How else would his daughter become one?" I'd say that your daddy's career was pretty much over. I suppose you will have to go and live with your parents and try to find a job somewhere. But you know what your mother is going to be wondering? The same thing everyone else is. Did daddy fuck his little girl?" I imagine your father-in-law will be able to avoid most of the bad publicity. After all, by the time he runs for Governor his son will have divorced your ass and he will try to ignore any references to his daughter-in-law the child molester. It probably wouldn't have much impact on his chances. At least, it won't unless it's a close.
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